Felix's Fashion Shoot

Once again, I decided it was time for a photo shoot with my daughter. I've said it once and I'll say it again; she's my favorite subject!

I bought those blue shutters at a thrift store. I thought they'd make an interesting background. I considered painting them a different color, but I actually think I like them blue. So they are staying blue at the moment.

She was thinking of something that would make her laugh in the picture below. I love the thoughtul pose. It ended up being one of my favorites.

Our cat Jojo wandered into the photo shoot, so we decided to incorporate him. He makes a great prop!

He wasn't too happy in this shot.

Mojo was jealous of all the attention Jojo was getting, so he determined that he would come in and pose as well.

The shots below were Felix's idea. She wanted to go for a Miss America look.

I bought the grapes a while ago for comedic effect. They show up in shoots once in a while.


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