Abbie's Trash the Dress

Abbie and I set up a Trash the Dress session, (TTD for short), which doesn't mean you literally have to trash your wedding dress; you just have to have a sense of fun and imagination! Abbie definitely has both of those! She grew up on a farm and had no trouble climbing up on those hay bales and traipsing through the grass. I also loved her boots and jacket; they were excellent accessories for a fun Fall photo shoot! We took these at Josh and Steph's land, (my brother and sister-in-law) which is always an excellent backdrop for photographs.

First up; horseshoes!
Look at that background; coming from Baltimore, it still amazes me to see all those trees!

Abbie takes some time to stack some firewood.

Brett popped in for a few shots!

I think hay bales make wonderful photo props!

I took the opportunity to snag a few shots of their rings since I didn't get a chance to do so at their wedding.

And on the way home we went pumpkin shopping!


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