Mike and Kim
On a sunny day in June, Mike and Kim were married at Gilfillan's West Hill Country Club in Camillus, NY. Before the big moment, I took some pictures of Kim getting ready at the hotel.
I always love the moment when the bride looks in the mirror and realizes how beautiful she is!
It was a beautiful and emotional ceremony.
One of my favorite moments was when Mike and Kim's daughter, Monica, waved to the guests!

I love how happy Kim looks in this shot!
Mike and Kim greeted some of their guests for a bit, and then it was time for formals!
The groomsmen were a handsome bunch...especially the ring bearer, who happens to be my nephew!

The always-cute-as-can-be Monica wanders over to take her place with the bridesmaids.
But she makes a quick stop to check out the camera being held by my awesome assistant and daughter, Felix Serafini.
Isn't she the cutest?

After we got enough shots of the group, I was able to sneak the couple off for a few shots of just the two of them!

And then it was time for the reception. I always love first dance shots. They're so romantic!

My nephew, Naethan, was having a blast on the dance floor!

I brought some funny hats and props from home on the chance that some of the guests may want to take some goofy shots at the reception. I'm glad to see they got some good use!
My mom and sister, hamming it up for the camera!

Congratulations, Mike and Kim! I had a great time photographing your wedding!

And below is my slideshow with more moments from the day.
I also wanted to include a slideshow of some of the pictures taken by my assistant for the day. Behind every good wedding photographer there's usually an assistant behind the scenes, capturing things from different angles and moments the photographer might be missing. Can a single photographer do a great job on their own? Absolutely. But having an assistant takes a huge load off of a wedding photographer's already busy shoulders! And now I present my daughter Felix Serafini's pictures. You did an incredible job, Felix! Thank you so much for your help!

And below is my slideshow with more moments from the day.
I also wanted to include a slideshow of some of the pictures taken by my assistant for the day. Behind every good wedding photographer there's usually an assistant behind the scenes, capturing things from different angles and moments the photographer might be missing. Can a single photographer do a great job on their own? Absolutely. But having an assistant takes a huge load off of a wedding photographer's already busy shoulders! And now I present my daughter Felix Serafini's pictures. You did an incredible job, Felix! Thank you so much for your help!
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