Dave DeSiro
Dave DeSiro is an amazing musician who can play a variety of instruments. I've seen him play the vibraphone, guitar, bass, and drums. Many types of drums! In exchange for some bass lessons for my daughter, we set up this portrait session to provide some new pictures for his website, daviddesiromusic.com , where you can also purchase his cd.

Dave is a natural in front of the camera, full of funny ideas and not afraid to talk to the occasional tree or two!

I really love how the light shines through the drum in this shot.
This is one of my absolute favorites from the day!

And do you have any idea how long I've wanted to take portraits in front of an old red barn? Finally my wish has come true!

Dave is a natural in front of the camera, full of funny ideas and not afraid to talk to the occasional tree or two!
I really love how the light shines through the drum in this shot.

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