Ashley and Joey
Ashley and Joey are getting married at the end of this month, and let me just say how excited I am to be their photographer! I can't begin to tell you how much fun we had during this photo session with their adorable son, Karter.

He was a little bit shy at first, but it sure is easy to warm up quickly when there are swings around.
Ha ha, I love those feet!
And adults can have fun on the playground too. My thanks to Ashley and Joey for humoring me during these shots!

Smooch time!

Joey shows off how strong he is.
Not to be outdone, Ashley shows us how strong she is too.

This next series of pictures I couldn't have planned better if I tried. What would have simply been a cute family shot became 100 times better when Karter decided he wanted to try on Daddy's hat.

And here is Ashley with her sister and soon-to-be Maid of Honor.

That little hand is just so cute!
Peek a Boo!

This has to be my favorite shot from that day. I ask you to please click on the image below so you can see why I think so. I couldn't stop laughing when I went home and first started editing!

The look on Karter's face is priceless!
Here's a slideshow with some more fun shots from the day...

The look on Karter's face is priceless!
Here's a slideshow with some more fun shots from the day...
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