Jerry and Jessica

You may remember Jerry and Jessica from their engagement session earlier this year; they were my first couple to do their engagement photos with bows and arrows! They had a camo-themed wedding at the Elks Club in Sidney with a beautiful outdoor ceremony, and the weather was perfect. We had so much fun taking the formals outside, and then we went inside to the wonderfully decorated Elks club for the reception. Everybody had a great time with games and dancing and delicious grilled chicken for dinner. It was great to take part in Jerry and Jessica's special day, surrounded by their friends and loved ones having such a blast! Second Shooter: Felix Serafini

I love what the bridesmaids did with their hair!

Jessica made all of the boquets herself. What talent!

Happy family!
Handsome brothers.

 A little chicken dance action...

 A very spirited version of YMCA!

Congratulations, Jerry and Jessica!


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